

“I wake up and go to walk on the shore in the morning and depending on the hour of the day and the waves rolling in or moving out, I say, ‘Oh, I am miserable, what should I do?’ And the seashore says in that lovely voice, ‘Excuse me, I have work to do’. ”

-Mary Oliver

Mt. Monadnock in Winter

Photo 1- Thompson Hall, University of New Hampshire.                                                 Photo 2- Mt. Monadnock in Winter.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

The publications listed below are all in professional peer-reviewed journals which have been accepted after review by editors in the academic fields involved. The publications are usually of a multidisciplinary nature, i.e. of interest in several fields of study. The research fits nicely between several different scholarly areas, so that the articles are published in respected journals of the following professional areas: Animal Behavior and Ethology, Anthropology (Physical), Applied Research in Zoos and Aquariums, Biology, Brain Science or Neurology, Child Development and Human Development, Evolution, Human Ethology, Popular Trade Publications, Primatology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Sexual Behavior and Sexology, Women’s Studies, and Zoology,


1.1963 Niswander, G. D ., G. M. Haslerud and G. Mitchell. Differences in longevity of released and retained schizophrenic patients. Diseases of the Nervous System 24( 6) :348-352.

2. 1963 Niswander, G. D., G. M. Haslerud and G. Mitchell. Changes in cause of death of schizophrenic patients: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study over a 60 year period. Archives of General Psychiatry 9:229-234.

3. 1963 Niswander, G. D., G. M. Haslerud and G. Mitchell. Effect of catatonia on schizophrenic mortality. Archives of General Psychiatry 9:548-551

4. 1966 Bryce, F. 0., G. M. Haslerud, G. Mitchell, A. C. Weinstein and G. D. Niswander. Problems in prediction of a schizophrenic population. Archives of General Psychiatry 15:140-143.

5. 1966 Mitchell. G .• E. J. Raymond. G. C. Ruppenthal and H. F. Harlow. Long-term effects of total social isolation upon behavior of rhesus monkeys. Psychological Reports 18:567-580.

6. 1966 Mitchell. G., G. C. Ruppenthal, E. J. Raymond and H. F. Harlow. Long-term effects of muitiparous and primiparous monkey mother rearing. Child Development 37:781-791.

7. 1967 Chamove, A., H. F. Harlow and G. Mitchell. Sex differences in the infant-directed behavior of preadolescent rhesus monkeys. Child Development 38 :329-335.

8. 1967 Mitchell, G., H. F. Harlow. G. A. Griffin and G. W. Moller. Repeated maternal separation in the monkey. Psychonomic Science 8:197-198.

9. 1967 Mitchell. G., G. L. Arling and G. W. Moller. Long-term effects of maternal punishment on the behavior of monkeys. Psychonomic Science 8:209-210.

10. 1968 Mitchell, G. Persistent behavior pathology in rhesus monkeys following early social isolation. Folia Primatologica 8:132-147.

11. 1968 Mitchell, G. Attachment differences in male and female infant monkeys. Child Development 39:611-620.

12. 1968 Mitchell, G. and D. l. Clark. Long-term effects on social isolation in non-socially adapted rhesus monkeys. Journal of Genetic Psychology 113: 117 -128.

13. 1968 Mitchell, G. Intercorrelations of maternal and infant behaviors in Macaca mulatta. Primates 9:85-92.

14. 1968 Moller, G. W., H. F. Harlow and G. Mitchell. Factors affecting agonistic communication in rhesus monkeys . Behaviour 31 :339-357.

15. 1969 Mitchell. G. and C. W. Stevens. Primiparous and multiparous monkey mothers in a mildly stressful social situation: First three months. Developmental Psychobiology 1 :280-286.

16. 1969 Arling. G. L.. G. C. Ruppenthal and G. Mitchell. Aggressive behavior of the eight-­year-old nulliparous isolate female monkey. Animal Behavior 17:109-113.

17. 1969 Mitchell. G. Paternalistic behavior in primates. Psychological Bulletin 71 :399- 417.

18. 1970 Odom, B., G. Mitchell and D. Lindburg. A device to record primate social behavior. .Primates 11: 93-96

19. 1970 Mitchell, G. and E. M. Brandt. Behavioral differences related to experience of mother and sex of infant in the rhesus monkey. Developmental Psychology 3:149.

20. 1970 Mitchell, G. Abnormal behavior in primates, pp. 195-249. In L. A. Rosenblum (Ed.), Primate Behayior: Developments in Field and Laboratory Research, Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York.

21. 1971 Mitchell G. Parental and infant behavior, pp. 382-402. In E. S. E. Hafez (Ed.), Comparative Reproduction of Nonhuman Primates, Charles C. Thomas.Springfield, Illinois.

22. 1970 Brandt, E. M., R. Irons and G. Mitchell. Paternalistic behavior in four species of macaques. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 3:415-420.

23. 1971 Fittinghoff, N. A., Jr., D. G. Lindburg and G. Mitchell. Failure to find polydipsia in isolation-reared monkeys. Psychonomic Science 22:277-278.

24. 1971 Brandt. E. M. and G. Mitchell. Parturition in primates: Behavior related to birth. pp. 177-223. In L. A. Rosenblum (Ed.). primate Behayior: Developments in Field and Laboratory Research. Vol. II, Academic Press, New York.

25. 1971 Brandt. E. M .• C. W. Stevens and G. Mitchell. Visual social communication in adult male isolate-reared monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Primates 12:105-112.

26. 1972 Stevens. C. W. and G. Mitchell. Birth order effects, sex differences, and sex preferences in the peer-directed behaviors of rhesus infants. International Journal of Psychobiology 2:117-128.

27. 1971 Erwin, J., J. Mobaldi and G. Mitchell. Separation of rhesus monkey juveniles of the same sex. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 78:i34-139.

28. 1971 Redican. W. K., M. H. Kellicutt and G. Mitchell. Preferences for facial expressions in juvenile rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Developmental Psychology 5:539.

29. 1972 Mitchell, G. and E. M. Brandt. Paternal behavior in primates, pp. 173-206. In F. Poirier (Ed.), Primate Socialization, Random House, New York.

30. 1973 Mitchell G. Comparative development of social and emotional behavior. pp. 102- 128. in G. Bermant (Ed.), Perspectives in Animal Behayior, Scott. Foresman,.Glenview, Illinois.

31. 1973 Mitchell, G. and L. Schroers. Birth order and parental experience in monkeys and man, pp. 159-184. in H. W. Reese (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Vol. 8, Academic Press, New York.

32. 1972 Brandt. E. M., C. Baysinger and G. Mitchell. Separation from rearing environment in mother-reared and isolation-reared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). International Journal of Psychobiology 2:193-204.

33. 1972 Baysinger, C, E. M. Brandt and G. Mitchell. Development of infant social isolate monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in their isolation environments. Primates 13:257-270.

34. 1973 Brandt, E. M. and G. Mitchell. Pairing preadolescents with infants (Macaca mulatta). Developmental Psychology 8(1 }:222-228.

35. 1973 Brandt, E. M. and G. MitchelL Labor and delivery behavior in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38:519-522.

36. 1972 Mitchell, G. and W. K. Redican. Communication in normal and abnormal rhesus monkeys, pp. 171-172. Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of Psychology. Tokyo, Japan. Science Council oi Japan.

37. 1972 Mitchell, G. Looking behavior in the rhesus monkey. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 3( 1) :53-67.

38. 1973 Erwin, J. and G. Mitchell. Analysis of rhesus monkey vocalizations: Maturation ­related sex differences in clear-call frequency. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38(2) :463-467.

39. 1973 Redican. W. K. and G. Mitchell. The social behavior of adult male-infant pairs of rhesus macaques in a laboratory environment. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 38(2):523-526.

40. 1973 Redican, W. K. and G. Mitchell. A longitudinal study of paternal behavior in adult male rhesus monkeys: Observations on the first dyad. Developmental Psychology 8(1):135-136.

41. 1973 Erwin, J., G. Mitchell and T. Maple. Abnormal behavior in non-isolate reared rhesus monkeys. Psychological Reports 33:515-523..

42. 1973 Agar, M. E. and G. Mitchell. Bibliography on deprivation and separation, with special emphasis on primates. Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology 3:79 (20pp.)

43. 1973 Maple, T., J. Erwin and G. Mitchell. Age of sexual maturity in laboratory-born pairs of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Primates 14(4):427-428.

44. 1973 Erwin, J., E. M. Brandt and G. Mitchell. Attachment formation and separation in heterosexually naive pre-adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Developmental Psychobiology 6:531-538.

45. 1973 Maple, T ., G. Risse and G. Mitchell. Separation of adult males from adult female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) after a short-term attachment. Journal of Behavioral Science 1 (5):327-336.

46. 1974 Mitchell. G., W. K. Redican and J. Gomber. Males can raise babies. Psychology Today 7 (11) :63-68.

47. 1974 Erwin, J .• T. Maple. J. Willott and G. Mitchell. Persistent peer attachments of rhesus monkeys: Responses to reunion after two years of separation. Psychological Reports 34:1179-1183.

48. 1974 Fittinghoff, N. N., Jr .• D. G. Lindburg, J. Gomber and G. Mitchell. Consistency and variability in the behavior of mature, isolation-reared. male rhesus macaques. Primates 15(2):111-139.

49. 1974 Maple. T., J. Erwin and G. Mitchell. Sexually aroused self-aggression in a socialized. adult male monkey. Archives of Sexual Behavior 3(5):471-475.

50. 1974 Gomber, J. and G. Mitchell. Brief Reports. Preliminary report on adult male isolation-reared rhesus monkeys caged with infants. Developmental Psychology9:419-425.

51. 1974 Redican. W. K. and G. Mitchell. Play between adult male and infant rhesus monkeys. American Zoologist 14:295-302.

52. 1974 Mitchell. G. Syndromes resulting from social isolation. pp. 216-223. ill J. H.Cullen (Ed.), Experimental Behaviour. A Basis for a Study of Mental Disturbance, Irish University Press, Dublin.

53. 1974 Redican, W. K., J. Gomber and G. Mitchell. Factors in family relationships: Adult male parental behaviour in feral- and isolation-reared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), pp. 131-146. ill J. H. Cullen (Ed.), Experimental Behaviour. A Basis for a Study of Mental Djsturbance, Irish University Press, Dublin.

54. 1974 Fragaszy, D. Munkenbeck and G. Mitchell. Infant socialization in primates.Journal of Human Evolution 3:563-574.

55. 1974 Erwin, J., T. Maple, G. Mitchell and J. Willott. Follow-up study of isolation­reared and mother-reared rhesus monkeys paired with preadolescent conspecifics in late infancy: Cross-sex pairings. Developmental Psychology 10(6) :808-814.

56. 1974 Maple, T., J. Erwin and G. Mitchell. Separation of adult heterosexual pairs of rhesus monkeys: The effects of female cyclicity. Journal of Behavioral Science 2(2):81-86.

57. 1975 Erwin, J. and G. Mitchell. Initial heterosexual behavior of adolescent rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Archives of Sexual Behavior 4:97-104.

58. 1975 Mitchell. G. and E. M. Brandt. Behavior of the female rhesus monkey during birth, Chapter 7, pp. 231-244. In G. Bourne (Ed.), The Rhesus Monkey, Vol. 2, Academic Press, New York.

59. 1975 Maple, T., E. M. Brandt and G. Mitchell. Separation of preadolescents from infant rhesus monkeys. Primates 16(2):141-153.

60. 1975 Mitchell, G. What monkeys can tell us about human violence. The Futurist 9(2):75-80.

61. 1975 Agar. M. E. and G. Mitchell. Behavior of free-ranging adult rhesus macaques: A review. Chapter 8, pp. 323-342. 10. G. Bourne (Ed.), The Rhesus Mookey, Vol. I, Academic Press. New York.

62. 1976 Mitchell, G. and J. Gomber. Moving laboratory rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): to unfamiliar home cages. Primates i7(4}:543-547.

63. 1976 Mitchell, G. Attachment potential in rhesus macaque dyads (Macaca mulatta):A sabbatical report. Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology 6 697 pp

64. 1977 Mitchell, G. Parental behavior in nonhuman primates, Chapter 54, pp. 749- 759. In J. Money and H. Musaph (Eds.). Handbook of Sexology, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press. (Winter)

65. 1976 Mitchell, G. and D. H. Tokunaga. Sex differences in nonhuman primate grooming. Behavioural Processes 1 :335-345.

66. 1977 Coburn, S. J., G. Mitchell and C. S. Wilson. The notorious or even famous “Top Ten” (1976). Laboratory Primate Newsletter 16(3): 11-12.

67. 1977 Tokunaga, D. H. and G. Mitchell. Factors affecting sex differences in nonhuman primate grooming. Journal of Behavioral Science 2(4):259-269.

68. 1978 Zucker, E. L., G. Mitchell and T. Maple. Adult male-offspring play interactions within a captive group of Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). Primate 19(2):379-384.

69. 1977 Mitchell, G. A note on sex differences in learning or motivation in nonhuman primates. Laboratory Primate Newsletter 16(1) :1-5.

70. 1979 Mitchell, G., T. L Maple and J. Erwin. Development of social attachment potential in captive rhesus monkeys, Chapter 3. !n J. Erwin, T. L. Maple and G. Mitchell (Eds.), Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies. Laboratories and ~ Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.

71. 1979 Caine. N. and G. Mitchell. Behavior of primates present during parturition, Chapter 4. In. J. Erwin, T. L. Maple and G. Mitchell (Eds.), Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies. Laboratories and Zoos,Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.

72. 1979 Mitchell, G. Behavioral Sex Differences in Nonhuman Primates. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

73. 1979 Caine, N., Vanovitz, J., Van Tassell, K., Yee, K. and G. Mitchell. Predatory behavior in a captive rhesus monkey. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 18(1), 25-27.

74. 1979 Caine, N. and G. Mitchell. A review of play in the genus Macaca: Social correlates. Primates 20(4):535-546.

75. 1979 Caine, N. and G. Mitchell. The relationship between maternal rank and companion choice in immature macaques (Macaca mulatta and M.. radjata). Primates 20(4):583-590.

76. 1979 Mitchell, G. and N. G. Caine. Macaques and other Old World primates, Chapter 10, pp, 201-222. In M. A. Roy (Ed.), Species Identity and Attachment. Garland. New York.

77. 1979 Erwin. J., T. Maple and G. Mitchell (Eds.), Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies. Laboratories and Zoos, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 320 pp.

78. 1980 Caine, N. G. and G. Mitchell. Species differences in the interest shown in infants by juvenile female macaques (Macaca radjata and M… mulatta). International Journal of Primatology 1 (4):323-332.

79. 1981 Mitchell. G. Human Sex Differences; A Primatologjst’s Perspective, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

80. 1981 Caine, N. G., C. Caine, C. Davidson, J. Maddock, V. Thompson and G. Mitchell.Extra-troop orientation in macaques. Biology of Behaviour 6(2) :119-128.

81. 1982 Shively, C., A. S. Clarke. N. King, S. Schapiro and G. Mitchell. Patterns of sexual behavior in male macaques. American Journal of Primatology 2(3):373-384.

82. 1982 Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Characteristics of predation by captive primates.Laboratory Primate Newsletter 21 (3) :1-7.

83. 1983 Schapiro, S. J. and G. Mitchell. Infant-directed abuse in a semi-natural environment: Precipitating factors, pp, 29-48. In M. Reite and N. G. Caine (Eds.), Child Abuse: The Nonhuman primate Data.Alan R. Liss, New York.

84. 1983 Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Primate predation report: Survey results.International Zoo News, 30/1 (177):4-8.

85. 1985 Mitchell, G. and T. L. Maple. Dominance in nonhuman primates. pp. 49-66. ill. S.Ellyson and J. Dovidio (Eds.). Power. Dominance. aDd Nonverbal Behavior, Springer-Verlag, New York

86.1986 Mitchell, G. and J. Erwin (Eds.), Comparative Primate BioloQY, Vol. 2A, Alan R.Liss, New York.’

87. 1986 Shively, C. and G. Mitchell. Perinatal behavior in prosimian primates. ill. G., Mitchell and J. Erwin (Eds.), Comparative Primate Biology, Vol. 2A, Behavior, Conservation and Ecology, Alan R. Liss, New York.

88. 1986 Shively, C. and G. Mitchell. Perinatal behavior in anthropoid primates. ill G.Mitchell and J. Erwin (Eds.). Comparative primate Biology, Vol. 2A, Behavior. Conservation and Ecology. Alan R. Uss, New York.

89. 1986 Schapiro, S. J. and G. Mitchell. Primate behavior in captive Of confined free­ranging settings. In G. Mitchell and J. Erwin (Eds.), Comparative Primate Biology, Vol. 2A. Behavior. Conservatjon and Ecology. Alan R. Uss, New York.

90. 1984 Mitchell, G. and C. Shively. Experimental and naturalistic studies of nonhuman primate and other animal families, pp. 20-41. ill R. D. Parke, R. Emde, H. McAdoo and G. P. Sackett (Eds.), Review of Child Development Research, Vol. 7, The Family, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

91. 1984 Mitchell, G. and A. S. Clarke. Contributions of behavioral primatology to veterinary science and comparative medicine, pp. 25-50. in A. G. Hendrickx (Ed.), Research on Nonhuman Primates: Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medjcine, Vol. 28, Academic Press, New York.

92. 1987 Bloomstrand, M. and G. Mitchell. Abnormal behavioral development in primates.In C. M. Super and S. Harkness, (Eds.), Studies in Comparative Human Development, Vol. 1: The Role of Culture in pevelopmental Disorder, Academic Press, New York.

93. 1987 Mitchell, G. and J. Erwin (Eds.). Comparative Primate Biology, Vol. 2B, Alan R.Liss, New York.

94. 1987 King, N. E. and G. Mitchell. Breeding primates in zoos, pp. 219-261. ill G.Mitchell and J. Erwin (Eds.), Comparative Primate Biology, Vol. 2B, Alan R. Liss, New York.

95. 1988 Mitchell, G. In defense of primate psychology. American Biology Teacher.

96. 1987 Mitchell, G., S. Soteriou, S, Towers, L. Kenney, and C. Schumer. Descriptive accounts of the behavior of breeding and non-breeding pairs of golden-bellied mangabeys (cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster). Zoo Biology 6(4): 391-399.

97. 1988 Mitchell, G., S. Soteriou, L. Kenney, S. Towers, C. Schumer, L. Dillin and K. Guse.Golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster) at the Sacramento Zoo: Adult heterosexual pairs. Zoo Biology 7(1):1-13.

98.1988 Mitchell, G., S. Towers, S. Soteriou, C. Schumer, l. Kenney, K. Guse and L. Dillin.Sex differences in behavior of endangered mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster). Primates 29(1):129-134.

99. 1989 Burns. A. , Mitchell, G., and Obradovich, S. Of sex roles and strollers: Female and male attention to toddlers at the zoo. Sex Roles 2.Q.(S}, 309-315.

100. 1990 Mitchell, G., Obradovich, S., Sumner, D., DeMorris, K., Lofton, L., Minor, J., Cotton, L, and Foster, T. Cage location effects on visitor attendance at three Sacramento Zoo mangabey enclosures. Zoo Biology a(1), 55-63.

101. 1990 Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Tromborg”C., and Neville, L The importance of sequence of cage visitations in a zoo. Animal Keeper Forum 17(6), 374-383.

102.   1991       Mitchell, G., Steiner, S., Dowd, B., Tromborg, C. and Herring, F. Male and female observers evoke different responses from monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29(4), 358-360.

103.   1991     Mitchell, G., Obradovich, S., Herring, F., Dowd, B. and Tromborg, C.Threats to observers, keepers, visitors, and others by zoo mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster). Primates, 32 (4), 515-522.

104.    1991       Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Obradovich, S., Tromborg, C., Dowd, B., Neville, L., and Field, L. Effects of visitors and cage changes on the behaviors ofmangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster). Zoo Biology 10 (5), 417-423.

105.   1991  Mitchell, G. A role model in the field of primate psychology: George M. Haslerud (1907-1990). Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 30(2), 12.

106.   1991   Tromborg, C., Markowitz, H., and Mitchell, G. Was Hediger wrong? American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Regional Conference Proceedings, 576-582.

107.   1992    Mitchell, G. and Tromborg, C. The elderly in the zoo. Animal Keepers’ Forum, 19 (9),315-318.

108.    1992       Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Tromborg, C., Dowd, B., Steiner, S. and Obradovich, S. Targets of aggressive facial displays by golden-bellied mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster) at the Sacramento Zoo. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 33, 249-259.

109.     1992      Mitchell, G., Tromborg,C., Kaufman, J., Bargabus,S., Simoni, E., and Geissler, V. More on the influence of zoo visitors on the behavior of captive primates. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 35, 189-198.

110.    1992       Tromborg, C. and Mitchell, G. You learn what you eat. Animal Keepers Forum, 19 (8), 277-278.

111.    1992       Mitchell, G., Herring, F., and Obradovich, S. Like threaten like in mangabeys and people. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People and Animals, 5(2), 106-112.

112.    1992    Mitchell, G. Obradovich, S, Herring, F., Tromborg, C. and Burns, A.Reproducing gender in public places: Adults attention to toddlers in three public places. Sex Roles, 26, 7/8, 323-330.


1.  1992 Mitchell, G., Tromborg, C., Herring, F., Arakaki, M. Wollack, J.,Brownell, R., Roesch, S., Dowd, B., and Burns, A. L. Sex differences in parent- toddler contact and proximity in families at the zoo.

2.     1992 Mitchell, G., Tromborg, C., Herring, F., Dowd, B., Roesch, S., Corkery, J.,Cox, H., and Burns, A.L. Observation and contact between toddlers and older siblings and parents in a public place.

3.    1992 Mitchell, G. Sex differences and social deprivation in rhesus: A new look at old data.


1.   1988 Mitchell, G., Obradovich, S., DeMorris, K., Sumner, D., Lofton, L.,Foster, T., Minor, J., Neville, L. and Field, L. The golden-bellied mangabeys at the Sacramento Zoo. Publications of the Consortium of Aquariums, Universities, and Zoos. Fall 1988, File 5.

2.   1990 Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Mello, K., Shepherd, R., Conway, S., Neville, L.,and Field, L .. Species monograph: The DeBrazza’s guenon. Publications of the Consortium of Aquariums, Universities, and Zoos. Spring 1990.

3.   1990 Mitchell, G. Family parties entering the zoo or mall. Consortium of Aquariums, Universities, and Zoos Network Publication, 1990

o4.   1990 Mitchell, G. Comparative data on the age and sex of zoo visitors. Consortium of Aquariums, Universities, and Zoos Network, 1990


Chamove, A., H. F. Harlow and G. Mitchell. Sex differences in the infant-directed behavior of preadolescent rhesus monkeys. Child Development. 1967, 38:329-335.

Reprinted in R. F. Purnell (Ed.), Adolescents and the AmericanHigh School, pp. 72-79. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1970.

Mitchell, G. Attachment differences in male and female infant monkeys. Child Development, 1968, 39:611-620.

Reprinted in J. Bardwick (Ed.), Psychology of Women, pp. 18-22. Harper and Row. NewYork.1972.

Also in R. Unger and R. L. Denmark (Eds.) Woman: Independent or Dependent Variable, Psychological Dimensions, Inc., New York, 1975.

Mitchell, G. and C. W. Stevens. Primiparous and multiparous monkey mothers in a mildly stressful social situation: First three months. Developmental Psychobiology. 1969,1 :280-286.

Reprinted in Man-Environment-Systems. 1977, 7:247.

Mitchell, G. Paternalistic behavior in primates. Psychological Bulletin, 1969, 71 :399-417.

Reprinted in Psychological Bulletin in XlP Readings in Psychology, Xerox, Lexington. Massachusetts. 1974.

Also in P. C. Lee and B. S. Steward (Eds.). Sex Differences; Cultural and psychodynamic Dimensions, Urisen Books (Dutton), New York, 1976.

Mitchell, G. and E. M. Brandt. Behavioral differences related to experience of mother and sex of infant in the rhesus monkey. Developmental Psychology, 1970, 3:149.

Reprinted in J. F. Rosenblith, W. Allinsmith, and J. P. Williams (Eds.), The Causes of Behavjor: Readings in Child Psychology and Educational psychology, 3rd edition, pp. 354-355, Allyn and Bacon, lnc., Boston, 1972.

Also in J. F. Rosenblith, W. Allinsmith. and J. P. Williams (Eds.), Readings in Child Developmlillt. Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston, 1973.

Mitchell, G. and L. Schroers. Birth order and parental experience in monkeys and man. 1 n H. W. Reese (Ed.), Adyances in Child Develgpment and Behavior. Vol. 8, pp. 159-184, Academic Press. New York.

Reprinted in N. S. Dahl and D. H. l. Olson (Eds.). Inventory gf Marriage and Family Literature. 1973-1974. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis, 1975.

Mitchell. G., W. K. Redican. and J. Gomber. Males can raise babies. Psychology Today, 1974, 7(11 ):63-68.

Reprinted in Realidade (Brazil) 1974.    Also in Psychologie (France) 1974.  Also in Psychologie Heute(Germany) 1975.  Also in Psicologja Contemporanea (Italy) 1975. Also in Psychology Today (Great Britain) August 1975. Also adapted for an article published by the University of Hawaii at Manoa, March 1975.

Erwin. J. and G. Mitchell. Initial heterosexual behavior of adolescent rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1975, 4:97-104.

Reprinted in O. Byrne and L. A. Byrne (Eds.), Exploring Human Sexuality, pp. 64-70, Thomas Y. Crowell Co, New York, 1977.

Mitchell. G. What monkeys can tell us about human violence. The Futurist, 1975. 9(2):75-80.

Reprinted in W. J. Kennedy (Ed.), Adventures in Anthropology. pp. 91-94, West Publishing: New York,  1977.                                                                                                                                    Also in a special offprint by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, National Institute of Health,  1975                                                                                         Also in M. Wertheimer and Rappaport (Eds.), Issues: Psychology and the Problems of Today.Scott, Foresman, Glenview, Illinois, 1978..                                                               Also in R. Krate (Ed.), Issues in Human Development, Praeger Publishers.

Mitchell, G. A note on sex differences in learning or performance. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 1977, 16(1):1-5.

Reprinted in Current Alerting Bulletin No. 76: Memory and Learning. p. 16, UCLA Brain Research Institute, 1977 (Abstracted).

Mitchell, G. Human Sex Differences: A Primatologist’s Perspective, Van Nostrand­Reinhold, New York, 1981.

Reprinted in Japanese. (Japanese edition published by Kinokuniya Co., Ltd .• Tokyo, 1981.


1 . Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. A survey of predatory behavior in captive primates. Human Ethology Newsletter, 1981, 3(3}:48.

2. Shively,  C. and G. Mitchell. Pattern of ejaculation in male macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. radiata, and M. fascicularis) and a request for further information. Animal Keepers’ Forum, 1981, 8(9):217-219.

3. Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Catching by caged primate predators. International Primatological Society News, 1981, 2:9.

4. Shively, C. and G. Mitchell. Patterns of ejaculation in male macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. radiata. and M. fascjcularjs) and a request for further information. Human Ethology Newsletter, 1981 3(4):22~24.

5. Clarke, A. S., and G. Mitchell. Request for information about predation. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 1981, 20(4):4.

6. Clarke. A.S., and G. Mitchell. Primate predation report: Survey results. Animal Keepers’ Forum. 1982, 9(8) :185-188.

7. Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Great ape pandemonium: Primate predation. Animal Keepers’ Forum, 1981, August, 206.

8. Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Predatory behavior in captive primates. Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 1981, 1 (4):15.

9. Shively. C. and G. Mitchell. Patterns of ejaculation in male macaques (Macaca mulatta, M.. radiata. and M. fascjcularis) and a request for further information. Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 1981, 1 (4):16-18.

10. Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. Request for information: Primate predation. American Society of Primatology Bulletin. 1981, 5(3):5-6.

11. Shively, C. and G. Mitchell. Patterns of ejaculation in male macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. radjata, and M. fascjcularis) and request for further information. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 1981, 20(4}:5-6.

12. Kokkos, K. and G. Mitchell. Survey request: Primate mixed-species exhibit survey.Animal Keepers’ Forum, 1983, 10(8):245.

13. Kokkos, K. and G. Mitchell. Information about mixed-choice exhibits requested. laboratory Primate Newsletter. 1983, 22(3):10.

14. Kokkos, K. and G. Mitchell. Primate mixed-species exhibit survey. ASP Bulletin, 1983, 7(3):13.

15. Clarke, A. S. and G. Mitchell. The snark is not a boojum. Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 1983, 3(3):11-17.

16. Kokkos, K. and G. Mitchell. Primate mixed-species exhibit survey (primate-primate or primate-other taxa). Comparative Psychology Newsletter, 1983, 3(3):26.

17. Clarke. A. S. and G. Mitchell. The snark-hunter is alive and well. but often works under an assumed name. Comparative Psychology Newsletter. 1983, 3(2):24-29.

18. Clarke. A. S. and G. Mitchell. Boojums are in the eyes of the beholders. Comparative Psychology Newsletter. 1982. 2(1):21-22.

19. Kokkos, K. and G. Mitchell. Primate mixed-species exhibit survey. International Primatologist Society News. 1983. 6:7.


Baysinger, C.M., E.M. Brandt, and G. Mitchell. Development of infant social isolate monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in their isolation environments. Behavioural Biology Abstracts. November 1973.

Maple. T. and G. Mitchell. Behavioral responses to separation in inter-specific pairs of baboons and macaques. American Zoologist 14(4), November, 1973.

Coburn, S.J. and G. Mitchell. Sex differences in primate visual communication. Man­Environment Systems 7(5), 1977.

Mitchell, G. and D.H. Tokunaga. Sex differences in nonhuman primate grooming. Animal Behaviour Abstracts July:150, 1978.

Brandt, E.M. and G.Mitchell. Pairing preadolescents with infants (Macaca mulatt Animal Behaviour Abstracts 2, 1974.

Brandt, E.M. and G. Mitchell. Labor and delivery behavior in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Animal Behaviour Abstracts 2. 1974.

Erwin, J. and G. Mitchell. Analysis of rhesus monkey vocalizations: Maturation-related sex differences in clear-call frequency. Animal Behaviour Abstracts 2, 1974.

Mitchell, G. and co-authors. Forty different abstracts ot G. Mitchell. In F.R. Akins, G.S.Mace, J.W. Hubbard, and D.L Akins (Eds.), Behavioral Development of Nonhuman erjmates; An Abstracted Bibliography, Plenum, New York. (Special recognition for contributions to this area given in preface of the Akins, et at, book), 1980.

Mitchell, G. and N.G. Caine. Development of behavioral gender differences in nonhuman primates. Human Ethology Abstracts III, Man-Environment Systems 9(2&3):55-164, 1979.

Shively, C., G. Mitchell, E. Sassenrath. S. Clarke, S. Schapiro, and N. King. Psychosexual stress, social rank, and sexual behavior in three species of macaques (Macaca fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. radjata). American Journal of Primatology 1 (3) :310-311. 1981.

Schapiro, S., N. Caine, and G. Mitchell. Infant-directed abuse in semi-natural environments. American Journal of Primatology 1 (3) :339-340, 1981.

Caine, N.G., C. Caine. C. Davidson, J. Maddock, V. Thompson. and G. Mitchell. Extra-troop orientation in captive macaques. Animal Behaviour Abstracts 9(3):46. 1981.

Caine, N. and G. Mitchell. A review of play in the genus Macaca: Social correlates. Animal Behaviour Abstracts 9(3):186, 1981.

Mitchell, G., A.S. Clarke. M. Bloomstrand, C. Shively, S. Schapiro, B. Goodlin, N.G. Caine, J. Capitanio. N.E. King, and D.G. Lindburg. Behavior and needs of primates in captivity. International Journal of Primatology 3(3):247, 1982.


Agar, M. E. and G. Mitchell. Bibliography on deprivation and separation with special emphasis on primates. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in PsychoIogy:. 3,79 (20pp) 1973

Mitchell. G. Attachment potential in rhesus macaque dyads (Macaca mulatta): A sabbatical report. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, vol. 6, American Psychological Association, 7-8. 1976

Mitchell. G. and students, L E. Neville, and L. D. Field. The mangabeys Cercocebus. sp. American Associatjon of Zoological Parks and Aquariums:Librarians Special Interest Group. July. 86 REF. 1988


Monographs in Primatologv 1982- 1990 , Wiley-Lisa Publishers

Editorial board:Jeanne Altmann, Thomas Clarkson, J. Erwin, Edward Goldsmith, Gary Mitchell, J. Moor-Jankowski, L Rosenblum, C. Southwick.(Seven monographs published)



Mitchell, G. A review of The Study of Prosimian Behavior (by G. A. Doyle and R. D.  Martin, Eds., Academic Press, New York, 1979). Contemporary Psychology, 1980, 25(6}:468-469.

Mitchell. G. Sex differences and intent: A review of The Eyolution of Human Sexuality (by D. Symons. Oxford University Press, New York, 1979). The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1980. 3:171-214.

Mitchell, G. A review of Baboon Mothers and Infants (by J. Altmann, Harvard University Press. 1980). Quarterly Review of Biology, 1981, 56(1):100-101.

Mitchell, G. A review of Psychobiology of Aggression and Violence (by L Valzeui, Raven Press, 1981). Quarterly Review of Biology, 1981, 56(4):510-511.

Mitchell, G. An over emphasis on males: A review of Primate Paradigms (by L. Fedigan.Eden Press, t 982). American Journal of Primatology. 1983, 4(1 ):99-101.

Mitchell, G. Mammalian parenting: A review of Parental Care in Mammals (by Gubernick and Klopfer, Plenum, 1981). Zoo Biology, 1982, 1(1):71-74.

Mitchell, G. A review of Primate paternalism (D. Taub, Ed., Van Nostrand. 1984). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1985, 67(2):171-174.

Mitchell, G. The largest meeting on primates ever held. Review of Current Perspectives in Primate Social Dynamics. {D. M. Taub and F. A. King, Eds.}. Contemporary Psychology, 1987, 32(5) :440-441.

Mitchell, G. Review of Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis (R.Bakeman and J. M. Gottman). American Journal of Primatology, 1987, 12(3):321-323.

Mitchell, G. Evolution of human birth. Review of Human Birth: An Evolutionary perspective     (Wenda R. Trevathan). Aldine DeGruyter. Hawthorne, New York, 1987. Reviewed by G. Mitchell in American Journal of Primatology, 1987, 13, 453-455.

Mitchell, G. Reconciliation in monkeys and apes. Review of Peacemaking Among Primates (by Frans de Waal). Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1989. In Politics and the Life Sciences, 1990, .2.(1), 166.

Mitchell, G. Psychological not ethological well being of primates, Review of Housing, Care, and Psychological Wellbeing of Captive and Laboratory Primates (Edited by Evalyn Segal). Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes: 1989. In Contemporary Psychology, 1991,36 (6), 510-511.

Mitchell, G. The peaceful beast within us. Review of Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates (Edited by J. Silverberg and J.P. Gray). New York: Cambridge U. Press, 1992. In PsyCritiques,1994, 39(1),28-29.


Seay/Gottfried. The Development of Behavior, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978.

Peters. R. Mammalian Messages, Brooks/Cole, 1980.

Maple, T. L. and M. P. Hoff. Orang-Utan Behavior, Van Nostrand Reinhold Primate Behavior and Development Series, 1980.

Maple, T. L. and M. P. Hoff. Gorilla Behayior, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981.

Travers, J. and J. Dacey. Life-span Deyelopmental PsychoIogy. Goodyear Press, 1981.

McFarland, D. L. Textbook of EthoIogy~. Pitman Publishing Co. Moss Beach, California, . (Reviewed in 1982).

Nash, J. Gynomorphy. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (reviewed in 1983)

Boice, R. and T. L Maple. Ethological Psychology. Brooks/Cole. 1984.(Reviewed in1984).

Rosnow, R. and Rosenthal, R. Nuts and Bolts of Behaviourai Research. New York: John Wiley. (Reviewed in 1991).


1973 Mitchell. G. Primate behavior film reviews: Films on early primate development. American Anthropologist. 75. 2027-2034.


Mitchell. G. Rhesus monkey births (16 mm, color, silent, 15 minutes), Psychological Cinema Register, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 1974.

Mitchell, G. and Fittinghoff. N. Behavior of adult (i3-year-old) male isolate-reared rhesus monkeys (16 mm, silent, color. 30 minutes), 1969.

Redican, W. K. and Mitchell. G. Paternal behavior in adult male rhesus monkeys (Super 8, color, silent, 15 minutes), 1972.


Behavioral Sex Differences in Non·Human Primates by G. Mitchell

Reviewed by- I. S. Bernstein, American Scientist, 1980, 68:340, ;David Goldfoot, Contemporary Psychology.1980, 25(7):538-539.; H. Dean Jernigan, The Amerjcan Biology Teacher,1980, 42(8):496.; Lyn J. Bromley, The Quarterly Reyiew of Biology, 1980, 55:312.

Human Sex Differences by G. Mitchell

Reviewed by Editor, Laboratory Primate Newsletter.1981, 20(3) :18-19; Choice.October 1981; Biology Digest.May 1981.; Sage Family Studies Abstract, 1981, 430; .Behavioral Medicine, 1981, p39.

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